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25 Jan 2014

Am i returning to the '2012 ME'?

Assalamualaikum , hey there . we met again . well , cerita hari ni , cube teka ape kandungan die? 2012 ? ape jdi dgn 2012? huh? ape die? ape die? hha... okay . Dalam pertengahan tahun 2012 , kan kite bru start minat kpop . dan kite 'fan-girling' dngn bigbang . lol. seriously , obses gile . tapi bile hujung thun , kite dh kurang minat dgn kpop , sbb dh obses ngn K-Drama & J-Drama . jdi kite pun jadi multifandom smpai skrg . B2ST , INFINITE , SHINEE , F(X) , EXO , MISS A , CNBLUE and bnyk lgi , semua kite sokong . TETAPI , bile GOT7 muncul , rse mcm nk fangirling balik ..... hhe .Got7 ...... mcm mne boleh minat? thanks to K-DRAMA lah.... JB & JR kn pernah act dlm DREAM HIGH 2 . and dieorg prnh perform together under  'JJ PROJECT' . that's why bile dpt thu dieorg debut dlm group baru , terus nk SHIP group tu... From all of the 7 members , the one that most caught my attention is BAMBAM! Next is MARK . Third is JB . Fourth , JR . Fifth is JACKSON . Sixth , YOUNGJAE and Seventh , is YUGYEOM. anyway , i love their dance skill , especially MARK's . well , now i'm waiting for the chance to buy their 1st mini-album -> GOT IT? <- okay , that's it for today . annyeong!

This is the member ! Isn't BAMBAM look so cute? Well , it is for me